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Money Bitcoin

Bitcoin wallets are great for day-to-day spending, but storing large amounts of bitcoin requires extra security.Today, we are excited to announce a partnership with AnyPerk.com, a company that provides employee perks to over 2,500 companies across the world including Salesforce.com, Pinterest, Snapchat, Groupon, and Etsy.
Mainstream merchant adoption of bitcoin in the US is rapidly accelerating, but many consumers are still unaware of the convenience, security, and cost savings associated with bitcoin payments.How does it work?:
Optionally choose a group vault with multiple withdrawal approvers for increased security.
Withdrawals are time delayed with notifications delivered to your phones and emails.
Up to 97% of bitcoin is stored entirely offline in geographically distributed safe deposit boxes and private safes.
Here are 10 ways to spend $10 of bitcoin:
- Buy pizza at Domino’s via eGifter ($10) 
- Buy a bundle of computer games and support the American - Red Cross on Humble Bundle ($10).
Free Bitcoin



The growing cycle of hair is a delicate process that can be thrown off by something as simple as dead skin.

 Keeping a healthy body and healthy scalp is essential to healthy hair.Hair growth is natural and we tend to take it for granted.
 Consists of 3 phases:
Elogen is the resting or falling out phase,
Catagen or intermediate phase is the shortest phase,
Anagen is the longest phase, in which the hair is growing. It usually last 2 to 3 years.
Epidermis is the top layer of skin that joins the hair follicle.
Stratum Corneum  is the layer of dead skin cells.

tags:follicle,healthy,The growing,

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Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II

 On Monday, Britain paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth II's life with a state funeral steeped in tradition.

On Monday, tens of thousands of people lined the route that took the late Queen Elizabeth to her final resting place at Windsor Castle, throwing flowers at the hearse and cheering as it left the British capital after her state funeral.

Thousands more crammed into central London to witness a ceremony of unparalleled pageantry attended by world leaders and royalty.

The Queen, the United Kingdom's longest-reigning monarch, died on September 8 after a reign of seven decades. She was 96 years old.

The funeral was held at Westminster Abbey in London, where the Queen was crowned 69 years ago and married.

Tags:Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II,the Queen,

The treatment

Pomegranate extract was given to mice with a genetic proneness towards spontaneous coronary artery blockages through drinking water for two weeks, when they had three weeks of age. The treatment reduced both the proportion of the coronary arteries with occlusive atherosclerotic plaques and the size of the atherosclerotic plaques in the aortic sinus (the dilated opening above the aortic valve), despite the fact that pomegranate treatment actually increased cholesterol levels associated with very low density lipoprotein-sized particles.
What really surprised the researchers,were the other beneficial effects of the pomegranate extract treatment:
-Reduced monocytie chemotactic protein-1, a chemical messenger (chemokine) associated with inflammatory processes within the arteries.
-Reduced levels of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 and fibrosis in the myocardium
-Reduced macrophage infiltration in the heart muscle

-Reduced lipid accumulation in the heart muscle
-Reduced ECG abnormalities
-Reduced levels of oxidative stress
-Reduced cardiac enlargement
They asked themselves, how can something as commonplace and benign as a fruit extract reverse so many aspects of coronary artery disease, simultaneously, as it was evidenced by the study above? They say that the answer might be found in the fact that our ancestors evolved together with certain foods (fruits in particular) for so long that a lack of adequate quantities of these foods may directly result in deteriorating organ function. The journal Atherosclerosis published an interesting study in which they confirm that pomegranate extract may reverse or/and prevent the primary pathology associated with cardiac mortality: the accumulation of fatty materials on the coronary arteries known as atherosclerosis.What really surprised the researchers,were the other beneficial effects of the pomegranate extract treatment: Reduced lipid accumulation in the heart muscle Reduced ECG abnormalities Reduced levels of oxidative stress Reduced cardiac enlargement Reduced monocytie chemotactic protein-1, a chemical messenger associated with inflammatory processes within the arteries. Reduced levels of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 and fibrosis in the myocardium Reduced macrophage infiltration in the heart muscle .

tags:coronary artery disease,Healthy Food, Atherosclerosis ,

Dejtonski sporazum

Dejtonski sporazum se ne može mijenjati bez potpisnika sporazuma.Profesor Sadiković ocjenjuje kako nije problem u tome što je Bilt ispravio tipografsku grešku, već u tome da je u Dejtonskom sporazumu napravljena greška što su Predsjedništvu BiH date veće ovlasti nego bh. Vladi, što je presedan u historiji.
Ali sve ovo je počelo od saznanja da u Predsjedništvu BiH ne postoji orginalna verzija Dejtonskog sporazuma pa se došlo i do saznanja da je bivši visoki predstavnik Karl Bilt izvršio ispravku tipografske greške u sporazumu.I onda ovaj i onaj u akciji ovo može ovo ne može da li je g.Karl Bilt ispravno postupio i gdje je originalna verzija Dejtonskog sporazuma?

Da li postoje vjerne kopije i gdje su?Sto pitanja i svi šute.Osim onih što komentarišu  i laju jedni na druge i svi su pod lažnim imenima.
Toliko puno problema ima ova država ali ima ih još više napaćeni narod ove države koji još uvijek čeka da se trojica dogovore...

tags:Dejtonski sporazum,spor,Karl Bilt,ustav,


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